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Finances and Online Dating

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about your Finances and Online Dating. You are probably wondering what the two have in common but unfortunately this is a big problem today on Online Dating Sites. This happens to both sexes all too often. You must always be aware of the "Scammer", "Opportunist", "Con-Man/Woman", and flat out "liar" when you are dating online.
I have heard many stories from people about Men and Women who will scan the Online Dating Sites for unsuspecting persons to scam them out of their money. It's easy for them to spot a lonely or desperate Man or Woman who will spend all the money on someone they met on a dating site because that person is telling them everything they want to hear. These people are professional scammers and will take advantage of your last penny if you let them.
I have watched countless "Dateline" stories where people will be scammed out of hundred of thousands of dollars or more.
A good example would be a woman who is lonely and meets a younger man on the dating site. This man is charming, good looking and knows all the right things to say to make the woman feel "special". He has no car, no phone, no job or no place to live. The woman is so desperate for attention that she will buy him a phone so that they can "keep in touch", possibly even buy him a car and give him cash just to keep him around. The same thing applies for men who get scammed by women or even, women/women.
When you meet someone online and they have no car, phone, job or place to live (any one of these), then the chances are pretty high that they are looking for a free ticket. I believe that a person who doesn't have their life together has no business scanning the Dating Sites looking for a meal ticket.
My advice would be this: If you meet someone online who is down on their luck with no car, job, phone or place to live then run as far as you can because chances are this person is going to scam you and use you for what he/she doesn't have. These sort of people want the easy way out and will scan the Dating Sites looking for suckers that will be so needy that they will give them their last dime. Once the person gets what they want, they will move on to the next person or even possibly be scamming more than one person at the same time. Be very cautious and very selective when choosing someone to date. Most of the time these people are not looking for love, they are looking for money and someone to take care of them financially. Don't be fooled!

My new Book is out enitled "The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online Dating Sites and Why: You can purchase on this page or click this link for

xoxo. Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
  • michelle
    michelle Friday, 03 October 2014

    I totally agree! Be careful! When I have been in between jobs, had car issues or in anything my dates never knew, it never even came up. In my dating world - my life was all good - my complaining and panic was saved for my friends lol. If some one is telling you their woes from day 1 run like the wind!

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