Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about Men and Women that lie about their age on Online Dating Sites. Have you ever been browsing the profiles and see someone you know and they are totally lying about their age? LOL!
I came across my X Brother in Law and the guy is 53 and he says he is 48? LMAO! Give me a break, you know who you are.. When they see you in person they will totally know. I hate to break this to you but you even look older than 53. Get over yourself! I know you have a lot of secrets to hide about yourself and lying about your age is a sign that you are hiding things about your life. What a great way to start a relationship! You are just like your brother! He lied about everything and to this day still continues to lie. Unbelievable.
Why do people lie about their age or anything else for that matter? Simply because they are hiding something... DUH!
I wrote a book about this very thing. "The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online Dating Sites And Why" What Every Online Dater Needs To Know! You might want to check it out especially if you are an Online Dater... I've been getting very good reviews and lots of funny feedback... It's available on my website Lindasdatelist.com, Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble. It's less than $6.00 for the paperback. It would make a great Christmas gift for the friend or family member who is Dating Online.
Anyway, I just had to laugh out loud about this it is way too funny...
Have a great day!
XOXO, Linda