Hello Readers, Linda here. Well this morning I watched a video from a model who says that Bill Cosby raped her at the Playboy Mansion in 2008! I feel really bad for this girl she didn't deserve that and her story was that she actually woke up during the rape and when Bill Cosby saw she woke up he pulled his pants up and left her there. He was at the time licking her toes... EWWWW!

The model claims that when they walked into the mansion, Cosby and Heff greeted them and then Cosby left to get drinks for these ladies and when she started drinking her drink, she felt dizzy and disoriented and Cosby offered to help her a room to lie down. He had his plan in place and you can't tell me Heff is innocent in this he knows what Cosby is Doing! And you cannot blame the model because anyone would and could be charmed by Cosby enough to allow him to accompany her to a room completely trusting Dr. Huxable... Give me a break. 

The sad part is that I wonder just how many people know what Cosby has been doing and never said a word about it? I bet there are some Television Execituves that know about Cosby and his antics. 

Ok, so for all of the Bill Cosby supporters you can all go and hide in your homes because you were WRONG! And I believe in this case the statue of limitations has not exceeded. Thank GOD! If it takes this one poor girl to set the record straight then that's pretty sad.

This is sad because I can't help but think of the great Robin Williams who took his own life last year for nothing. What a sad loss and what a brilliant comedian. Cosby wouldnt have the balls to do what Robin did and he probably should. Sorry, but Sexual Predators never get better. They cannot be rehabilitated. I would trade Robin for Cosby any day! That was a man of integrity and compassion for other people and was a brilliant comedian.

Unless you have been sexually assaulted then you have no idea what it feels like. It's a horrible, humiliating feeling. This is something you really never get over.

I hope they prosecute and sue his ass to the limit! This man has been manipulating women by his celebrity and power and money for way too long! I am sure there will be even more women that come forward too.
Shame on you Bill Cosby! I hope you get what you deserve.
Xoxo, Linda