Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about my X and another BIG RED FLAG that I ignored. While we were dating exclusively (Or so I thought) I was traveling weekly for work and I was only home on the weekends. This was the ideal situation for him as I later found out because he could do as he pleased with whomever during the week and I would not have a clue. He would call me at night at a regular time but remember this man was a creature of habit and never took a woman out on a proper date. He had his regulars on certain days and times of the week that would just come to his place and bring him gifts and shower him with attention. Mind you these women were not attractive and most of them were a lot older then him too. So, his calling me at a regular time was convenient for him because he would have the women out of his place by then.
I would see him Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and then I would go back on the plane on Monday mornings. He told me he could only see me 1 night on the weekend from now on and I get to pick the night. I was very upset and I know deep down something was wrong but I went ahead and picked one like an idiot instead of realizing he met someone else that he gave a weekend night to.
Ladies, when a Man changes the rules in the middle of the game something is off. This is another sign of cheating. I soon caught him again and of course I took him back like an idiot and he stopped seeing the other woman. But that never stopped him. He continued all the way though our marriage to communicate with these same women because he is a cheater and a liar and a thief. (See “About” in Lindasdatelist.com)
Please be aware of the Red Flags and do not IGNORE.
Xoxo, Linda