Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about a sensitive subject about grooming yourselves. too many times I will run into men and women who simply do not groom themselves. For the men, there is a tool called a hair remover. when men get older, they grow hair in their noses and ears. if you are a man, you need to get that tool which is available at Amazon.com and remove the hair in your noses and ears. another place for both men and women is their private areas. The private areas need to be groomed up to. 

For the women, please shave your mustaches! There is nothing worse than seeing a woman with a mustache! The same goes for any other facial hair including hair in the nose or on the chin or even on the face. this is just something us women need to do! have you ever worked with a lady who has a mustache and you just want to tell her so bad but you don't have the guts? Yes, me too. I certainly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings so if you know someone , male or female that needs to groom themselves, send them this blog and maybe they will ready it!

xoxo, Linda