Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about the wife of Ray Rice the NFL Football player. Ok, he knocked her out cold in the elevator. From the video that was posted everywhere, clearly they were having a pretty serious argument at the time. I am not defending him at all but where is the blame on her? She clearly was striking him several times before he hit her. Isn't that assault? I mean it's just not ok for women to hit men either.
I'm not in any way saying she deserved it because she didn't, what he should have done after she hit him was walk away and if she didn't stop then he should have called the police on her. But that's not what happened and his anger got the best of him and he should have never done that to her. He is a man with a serious problem! Then he spit on her? What a piece of work he is.
Then she marries him and defends him. Well this is typical behavior of an abused woman. I have been there but I was lucky enough to get out.
My X-husband is a former NFL player too. He never physically abused me but he emotionally and verbally abused me to no end. It's an ego problem these guys have and most of them are womanizers and cheat on their wives/girlfriends all the time. They are used to getting whatever they want and I bet that fight with Ray Rice and his then fiancé was about another woman. I would bet money on it and frankly I believe the real reason she married him and is defending him is because she wants to live that lifestyle and realizes her chances are slim to none if he doesn't get his job back.
She is very stupid and naive in my opinion and I guarantee this will not be the last time we hear about their abusive relationship in the future.
My prediction is she will be knocked up soon and it won't be the last time she will get knocked out by him.

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Xoxo, Linda