Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about "Pre-Nups". I have a friend who was all engaged and ready to get married yet 2 days before the wedding he told her she had to sign a "Pre-a nup" or he would not marry her. They had been in church marriage counseling for a few months and he never even mentioned anything about a pre-nup! What a piece of work that guy is. Seriously to go through all the motions of the engagement, the engagement party, the bachelorette party, friends and family flying in from out of town and never bring this up until 2 days before the wedding? What would you do! Honestly this friend of mine owns her own home and is already financially stable so she's not in it for money but my opinion is he should have brought this up during the pre marital counseling! I think he's a coward! My friend called the wedding off and I'm happy she did because what else could he be holding back from telling her? This is deception in my opinion and I certainly believe in pre-nups as long as both parties are satisfied. I myself will never co-mingle my money with a man even if I were to marry again. I got burned badly by me x-husband who embezzled a great amount of my money before we separated and I never got it back. Lesson learned. My friend will be ok because she has lots of family and friends to help her get over this but where are the REAL men out there that are honest and forthright these days? Someone please tell me so I can go to wherever they are! I'm pretty sure they are not on dating sites but you never know unless you keep trying.
Everyone deserves someone to love and a life partner but I have no idea where they are.

My new book is out called "The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online Dating Sites And Why". It's available on my website "blog tab" or click this link: 


Xoxo, Linda