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Bill Cosby - Say It Isn't So!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I would like to talk about the allegations of Bill Cosby and Sexual Assault. I have been paying close attention to these stories and recently the Super model Janice Dickinson came out with her story of how he Sexually Assaulted her in a Hotel room in Lake Tahoe while promising to help her with her career.
Sexual Predators come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. We all love Bill Cosby in fact he makes me laugh so hard I cry sometimes! He is a funny guy and well respected and liked by most people. We all felt really bad for him when he lost his son to a carjacking incident years ago, that was very sad.
I am writing this to say I believe these women. I'm sorry if you disagree with me but from my own personal experience I have learned a lot about Sexual Predators. They are most often well liked and respected and always willing to lend a hand to a naive woman. This has happened to me, not with Bill Cosby but with someone a lot like him. This for me went on for seven years and I was the only lady with enough guts to finally turn him in. For victims of Sexual Assault, we go through a stream of emotions from anger to embarrassment to humiliation and guilt. This is a traumatic experience for a woman to go through because most times everyone believes the Sexual Predator and not the victim, after all how could such an outstanding man do something so horrible? Those outstanding men know exactly what they are doing and use their influence and power to manipulate a lady.
I am in process of writing my true story on this very subject and my goal is to help people men and women in how to cope and what to do and not to do if this happens to you.
Shame on Bill Cosby and I hope his victims get the help they need and I really hope Bill Cosby comes out and admits what he did. I doubt that will happen but it would be the right thing to do. My Sexual Predator never admitted all the things he did to me and I believe if he did then it would help me but he's not going to and neither is Bill Cosby.
I hope all the women he assaulted come out if the woodwork and file a class action lawsuit against him.

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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