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Cosmetic Surgery- Laguna Beach, California

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I would like to talk about Cosmetic Surgery. First off, I want to advocate that I am a true believer in Cosmetic Surgery. I think that anyone that wants some work done, they should definitely go for it! I myself have the BEST Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon in California. I was referred to him by My friend who does my eyebrows. Did I mention that his rates are super reasonable? You won't find better rates in Orange County!
I have had a few things done and Dr. Arian Mowlavi is my go to guy for all my Cosmetic Surgery needs. Dr. Mowlavi is so personable and he really cares how his patients not only look, but how they feel! He always tells me during my procedures "Linda, you're going to "LOVE IT"! I have to say he's been right every time. I am so happy with my results that I decided to refer him over and over to my friends and even strangers I meet.
Dr. Mowlavi is exactly what I needed after my divorce. It really helped turn my life around in a positive direction because the work I have had done makes me feel good about myself again! I went through a very hard divorce where my X-husband told me that I would never find anyone as good as him EVER! He was wrong! I not only have more self-confidence, but I have realized that I don't NEED a man but if I WANT one, I don't have to look far. I'm not saying that the answer to getting over a divorce is Cosmetic Surgery, but I can say it sure helped me along! LOL...
Dr. Mowlavi's staff are so professional and dedicated to making your experience the best it can possibly be. First off, you are not greeted by a snotty receptionist but a Happy, Bubbly, Positive Receptionist who really knows how to treat people. Dr. Mowlavi's assistant James is another great guy! He's funny and makes you feel at ease and very comfortable!
I cannot recommend Dr. Mowlavi highly enough and if you are in the market for the best Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, please go see Dr, Mowlavi! I guarantee you will not be dissapointed! His talent is unlimited! I look at least 10+ years younger after having all my work done and I feel great! If you look good, you will feel even better as a person and be more productive.
His office phone number is 949-499-4147 and his website is
In addition, Dr. Mowlavi's advertisement is on this page of my website as well.
XOXO, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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