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Don't Respond To Your X If They Are Dangerous!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about X's. I myself have been lied to, cheated on numerous times, a victim of theft and deceit, manipulated by and even involved in a murder to hire scheme by an X. This person was the love of my life or so I thought. I let myself be verbally and emotionally abused by the person that I loved and trusted the most. Fortunately for me I was smart enough to get out but the scars are never ending. For the last few years I have not slept well due to the fact that I am afraid for my life. I have even moved my residence a couple times and got a security system for my home.
This all started on a dating site. I ignored all the red flags and hence wasted many many years of my life that I can never get back. Unfortunately, all the distance can still not stop my X from contacting me. He is very manipulative and will go to any lengths to tug at my heart strings even going as far as to bring up my deceased father which was a very emotional time for me. Some people just get off on making other people miserable. It's a control thing. Even though we're divorced he still wants control over my life.
A master manipulator who can string along several women at the same time and knows exactly what to say to keep them on the line. I'm telling you these women he cheated on me with are not attractive and much older than myself. He must have made them feel like they were Pamela Anderson or something to keep them around and they bought every word he said to them. So did I! But I got out and just want to be left alone now. To me, he is dead. I can only hope that the women he's stringing along will find out about my website for their own personal and emotional safety. I believe that God is good and justice will be served and I also know that I have to forgive him and I did but I will never forget or let him draw me back into his life because my life is platinum now compared to what it was with him.
Readers, don't keep bad people around. If someone has hurt you physically, verbally or emotionally, run as fast as you can and never respond to them if they contact you! Never EVER meet them in person alone after you have broken up because they could kill you and I'm not kidding about this! I've seen the Dateline stories about X's that kill because of rejection and mental illness. Don't take that chance, there are way too many fish in the sea to hang on to someone that is harmful and dangerous to you. Be good to yourself and stay safe.

Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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