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Hello Readers, Linda here. Have you ever been just going on with your life after a divorce, separation, break-up and something happens that just stops you in your tracks? This happened to me. Just when I thought I was making great strides in getting over him and the marriage and the divorce and all those things and taking 1 million steps forward and then now I feel like I took 1 million steps back. Just seeing a picture of just ONE of the many other women brought me right back to my knees. Just like that in a nano-second. My friend was considering dating her from POF and he wanted my opinion so he showed me her profile and after that I felt like I just got hit by a train. My poor friend felt so bad but it was not his fault he had no idea what she looked like. Needless to say this ruined our night out together. Thank god I was among friends they are the best!
Then I cry and cry and reach out to friends and think and think and sleep and sleep… It’s like it brought me right back to the day when I caught him cheating on me. Devastated and destroyed emotionally. I think the worst part of it is that he still has the effect over me where I ALLOW him to get me so upset. It’s not fair. How do you get over betrayal like that from your “supposed to love you forever” husband? This is what makes people go crazy and do crazy things. It’s been almost 3 years and I thought I was doing well. It brought me to a very dark place the last couple of days. I need to pull myself out of it. I will allow myself the rest of this day to mourn but starting tomorrow it’s a brand new day.
I won’t allow him or his cheating sluts disrupt my life anymore. I am done. I didn’t do anything wrong I just gave my heart to someone who didn’t take care of it. All he thought about was himself.
I would say it’s OK to feel this way if something brings me back to this dark place but I cannot let it ruin one more minute of my life. Life is too short to let someone take my happiness from me when he I am sure HE is just as selfish as he ever was and is cheating on several women as I write this.
I should have ran the first time I caught him. I got mixed up emotionally and physically and lustfully. Never again. Never again will I give my heart to someone who won’t cherish it and take care of it like it should be.
My advice for all of my readers today is this, if you are currently in a relationship where your partner is cheating, get out now. It’s not worth it. I am not sure if you will ever get over it but it’s better to be by yourself and have some bad days once in a while then to be with someone who doesn’t value you.

My new Book is out enitled "The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online Dating Sites and Why: You can purchase on this page or click this link for


Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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