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Is Facebook Sabotaging Your Relationship? By Linda

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Hello readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about Facebook and Social Media in general. Facebook basically has become a dating site. I get friend requests from men all the time and their Facebook Profile picture looks like an Online Dating site, even their little intro mirrors an Online Dating Site. I am sure all of you would agree with me on this one.

Can this ruin your relationship? YES… it certainly can. Facebook along with Online Dating is very addictive. All of us have many friends on Facebook and sure I have been hit up by single, married and in-between men all the time. I have fun with the married ones though. LOL, I look up their wives, take all the screenshots and send an instant message to them. Sorry, not sorry… The most hilarious thing is most of my Facebook friends know I am a dating coach and blogger and that I should not be underestimated. I do all of my homework trust me when I get hit on.

The single guys I am ok with. The in-between are the guys that are messaging you and flirting with others at the same time. Let’s face it, not everyone is who they say they are. So what happens if you are in a relationship with someone (not just dating) but an actual monogamous relationship? Should you flirt with other people or show the “LOVE” emoji or is just a “LIKE” ok?

My opinion is this and should not surprise you at all but of course, if you are in a committed relationship you should never be flirting with the opposite sex on Facebook for the obvious reason that your Girlfriend or Boyfriend will see it and that is going to cause major problems. Just don’t do it if you are in a committed relationship. What happens if you see this happening? Well, my opinion is that you run as fast as you can. This should never happen. If you let it happen, then you deserve what you get.

Let’s talk about the in-between guys and gals and the difference between “just dating” and a “committed relationship”. HUGE DIFFERENCE and the choice is up to you. If you are flirting or dating someone and see that he or she is flirting or dating someone at the same time, this is all up to you. You can choose to walk away (which I recommend) to escape any future drama or you can just let it ride and see who wins? Me, I walk away immediately. These days people are crazy and I do not want to be involved in a love triangle besides if the guy or girl is flirting or dating two people at the same time, why would you even want to compete? Let’s think this through a little. If you are not in a committed relationship, you have no idea what the guy or gal is doing. They could be having sex with the other person and still flirting with you. To me, this is a no brainer. We all need to be really careful with all these STD’s out there.

My experience has been (and I have been that girl fighting for a guy), lesson learned, it is just not worth it. Right from the get-go, you can see what kind of person this is. There are millions of guys and gals on Dating Sites and I include Facebook as a Dating Site now so why would you even go any further?

What if you are friends with a guy or girl who are dating exclusively and you are friends with both of them on Facebook and one of them, let’s say the female “unfriends” you unexpectedly? To me, this is a RED FLAG. This person is insecure or does not want you to see if they are flirting with other people while being in a committed relationship with your friend. It’s one or the other for sure. What do you do if this is your friend? Well, I think just let it go but before you do, make sure you let your friend know what happened and that is their issue to deal with.

I have married friends that do not even have Facebook accounts. This is an excellent option to save you from any drama.

Let’s just Bottom Line this right now.

  1. If you are in a committed relationship, do not flirt with the opposite sex on Facebook or maintain an Online Dating Profile.
  2. If you are just dating an in-between person, that’s up to you but I just walk away gracefully.
  3. If you get hit on by a married person, notify the husband or wife because they need to know and what they do with it is their problem but do not entertain it. Walk Away, unfriend and block.

I would love to hear your comments so contact me at

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Check out my books on Amazon – The Top 10 Things People Lie About on Online Dating Sites and Why

The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online …(Paperback) or Kindle

Nowhere to Hide, my true story of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment

Nowhere to Hide: My True Story of Sexual Hara… (Paperback) or Kindle

My newest book will be out very soon, my best yet…..



Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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