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Is it SAFE to DATE now after COVID 19? By Linda

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Hello friends,
Today I want to talk about dating during and after Covid 19. Do you need to be concerned about this while online dating? Regardless of your opinions about Covid 19, it has now finally been acknowledged that natural immunity is stronger and even better than getting a vaccine.
What about your Online Dating Profile? Do you need to mention anything about Covid 19? Here is my opinion on the subject.
If you have had Covid 19, with or without a vaccine, there is always a chance of getting it again. I would treat it like the flu or an STD.
I do not think you need to call it out in your Online Profile unless you are very sensitive and only want to be around vaccinated people. With that being said, there is about a 100% chance you will be around someone who is positive at any time if you leave your home for any reason. I think you should ask yourself if you had the flu or a cold, would you put that on your online profile? My guess is NO because I have never seen anyone call that out on their online dating profile. So, why would you call out anything about Covid 19 on your profile?
This is something you would discuss on the phone before you actually meet someone because it is a hot topic of conversation among everyone these days. This is what I do recommend you put on your Online Profile though:

• Put your religious and political affiliation on your profile, my advice would be in the first or second sentence. By doing this, you are
weeding out anyone that you may not have the same mindset. This is highly important and by doing this, a lot of your concerns will be
answered because you should only attract people like yourself.

• Ignore the hate mail you will get, and you will get some. Life is too short to banter about these things that are important to you.

This my friends will set you off on the right way to meeting someone you could truly fall in love with.

I would love to hear your comments and concerns on this topic so please contact me at


Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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