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Just a GIG-O-Lo on Facebook - A true story by Linda

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about Facebook and Dating. Ok, so essentially, Facebook has turned into a dating/hook-up/ site unintentionally.

I accepted a friend request from a super-hot looking young man from Long Island. He then sent me a message on messenger after I commented on one of his posts. He wanted my phone number so we could talk. I thought to myself, ‘SELF’, go ahead and see what this young hot man has to say after all this does happen to me a lot where I have the younger men asking me out. ANYHOO, I gave him my digits and to my surprise I was listening to a young gigolo. For those of you who do not know what the definition of a Gigolo is – GIGOLO “a young man paid or financially supported by an older woman to be her escort or lover”.


playboy, escort, male escort, paid escort;

He proceeded to tell me how attractive I was to him and how I didn’t look my age, blah, blah, blah… Then he asked what I did for a living. After I told him, he really amped up his game. He told me how he always wanted to come to California and how much he loved the ocean. Then he got down and dirty and started asking questions about how I like to have sex (very explicitly). I barely did any talking as he would not let me get much of a chance to talk.

When I did get to talk I kept calling him “young” and that really upset him because he said he may be young but he is not immature and took offense to my calling him young. Almost to the point of anger so bad that if he was in front of me I am not sure what if he would resort to violence. So, I just let him go on and calm down, after all I had to get this story out especially because he said he met another woman on Facebook that lives in Miami and when he goes to Miami to DJ, he meets up with her there, spends the night, has sex and leaves in the morning. He described it like you were telling someone how to make coffee… LMAO…. Obviously a professional.

Ladies, if a man you are sleeping with describes you like he’s making coffee, like no big deal, like breathing, that is not ROMANTIC. You want a man to go on and on about how wonderful and beautiful you are and how much he loves you etc. Now that I am writing this, I am coming to the conclusion that this is all part of his game, after all if he described the older lady in Miami as being beautiful and sexy etc. that could blow it for his next potential victim but a lot of women won’t catch this like I just did…. This guy is good…. A woman that would fall for a guy like this would feel that was in her favor because after all, you are much more desirable then how he described her and he will fall madly in love with you and move in and you will have a hot looking guy at your disposal. SIGH – Don’t be one of those women please! Moving on…

Then he proceeded to tell me to look at my calendar in the next couple of weeks to see when I had a weekend open. I played along and picked a date. He then proceeded to tell me that since he was my guest, he would expect me to pay for all of his expenses and since it’s such a long flight, (he was checking flights as I was talking to him), he would have to fly FIRST CLASS. I would be responsible to pay for all food and entertainment and in return I would have the time of my life. OH and he said if I came out to Long Island, he would return the favor and pay for me. ROFLOL

I then politely told him I would have to check with my business partners on the dates and get right back to him. He said “today right”?  “You’ll get back to me today”? I said sure honey, I’ll get right back to you today.

Well, we know that never happened. After the call I blocked him from my phone but kept him as a FB friend and I suppose after a few days, he realized no phone call cometh!

Then he proceeds to post on Facebook little digs and I know they are for me but I am amused that he really thought I was going to fall for that. Even if he was a millionaire and planned a trip and paid for it himself, I am not at all interested. I am not attracted to men that young… Young man, Young man… LOL

This was my first experience with a gigolo in my life. I am writing about it because it is such an ancient term but obviously very alive today. I am wondering if he spends all his time on Facebook scamming women. Or, maybe I would have been cat fished? Who knows, but ladies and gentlemen, do not be fooled by what I just wrote. This could happen to you. I have had many women and men write to me and tell me horror stories of long distance loves where they fly out to the guy/girl, pay for hotel rooms and the guy/girl doesn’t pay a dime. This can be very dangerous not only for you mentally but in some cases physically as well. Just DON”T DO IT! No matter how much in love you think you are….

It takes time to get to know someone and I am not a huge fan of long distance relationships anyway, so my advice would be to try and avoid them altogether.

Many of you might think ‘why does Linda accept such Facebook requests’? Linda will accept a Facebook request if Linda feels like there is a story around the person. This guy was incredibly handsome and I just knew there was a reason why he would send me a request and I was right. Go with your GUT instinct. I wouldn’t suggest the average person to do what I did. The only reason I did is because I am a writer and I want to help people avoid bad situations. This is ME and this is what I do and I do it in a safe manner.

Just another situation to be aware of and keep your guard up for. Gigolo’s do still exist and just be very careful for you could lose your money, your life or your self-respect after all is said and done. It is just not worth it.

I would love to hear your feedback on this subject!

Contact me at

Don’t forget to check out my book “The Top 10 Things People Lie About on Online Dating Sites and Why” What Every Online Dater Needs to Know



Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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