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Ladies, Don't Go To His Place On The First Date!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about Online Dating safety. I get many messages from guys that want me to come to their place for the first meeting. First off, I think this could mean a lot of different things. 1. They are too lazy to go to a agreed upon meeting place that is public where you can feel safe and comfortable. You do all the work by driving to his place and he does probably zero. I got a message from a guy that said " I just picked up a 6 pack of beer want to join me at my place to relax? This guy is out of his mind obviously and any woman that would do this is really stupid in my opinion! 2. They are seeing how far you will go, if you are willing to go to their place on the first date then that is what they will expect your entire dating life with him. They have no clue how to date and they just want to get laid. I'm sure they will have alcohol for you, then you might drink too much and of course he'll want you to spend the night. Don't fall for this! 3. They may be a dangerous person who might try and date rape you or worse. Don't take that chance!
A genuine guy will want you to feel comfortable and safe. I say let him come to you ( not at your house) but somewhere close. This will show good intentions on his part and I'm old fashioned, I believe he should come to you. Don't let him pick you up at your house even if he is insisting! You don't know this person and remember he's a total stranger.
Another guy wanted me to come to his place so he could BBQ and then sit in his jacuzzi! This is a ploy to see what you look like in a bikini. Don't fall for that either! Be very careful as this Online Dating is good but can be very dangerous.

My new book is out called "The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online Dating Sites And Why". It's available on my website "blog tab" or click this link:,aps,233


Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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