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Ladies Dont GiveThe Wrong Impression

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about first impressions. On your Online Dating profile "pictures" don't give them a picture that highlights your tits unless you're looking for a " hook up" or "sex on the first date". And most of all, don't get upset if you're attracting guys that are just plain rude and disrespectful. I've done some research and I am shocked to find that probably about 70% of women's profiles are pictures you would be embarrassed to show in the outside world more less all over cyberspace! Just imagine if a co-worker saw your profile pictures where you look like you are straight out of a porn magazine. Yes, I acknowledge men like tits but they are also looking for a woman who respects herself enough that she doesn't have to post such nasty pictures in order to get a man. Seriously, what kind of impression are you trying to show here?
Honestly, I've spoken to men who straight out laugh at those profiles however; they will contact you to get laid no doubt.
First impressions show everything and let's really think about what kind of man you really want to attract. If you post pictures like that you definitely appear to be desperate and no good man is going to take you seriously. I don't care if you're overweight or anything, have some respect for yourself and by doing so you have a much better chance of attracting a good guy.

My new Book is out enitled "The Top 10 Things People Lie About On Online Dating Sites and Why: You can purchase on this page or click this link for



Xoxo! Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
  • Paul
    Paul Tuesday, 16 September 2014

    I couldn't agree more on the sexy pictures. As a guy, and a dating coach myself, I can tell you first hand...unless you are only looking for sex, don't put up half-naked pictures of yourself, or anything seeming too sexual. Sure, you will get a lot of attention from men, but trust me, most of these will be from men just looking for sex. Even if they state clearly in their profile that they are looking for a commitment, they probably won't mind a fling with you while he is looking for someone who doesn't need to flaunt their sexuality to get attention. I talk about this in detail in Is It Any Wonder You're Single Show a decent & recent picture of yourself...that looks like you. Pictures that don't look anything like you won't help you either and will only set yourself up for disappointment later.

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