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Love Bi-Polar. Hot And Cold.

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about guys/boys/men who are Hot and then Cold. This is not a story about me but about someone close to me. She met him on POF. He pursued her to the point of almost stalking. Is he attractive? Um, yes. She on the other hand is absolutely stunning. She finally agreed to go to dinner with him. Guys, women do like a guy that is persistent. We get hooked and then you drop the ball on us. Why do you do that? 99% of the time is it directly after you are intimate with us and you get what you want. I don’t mean to rag on the dudes but this is a proven fact. Ladies, please read the book “Why Men Love Bitches” this will help you so much I cannot stress this enough.
So he comes and takes her to a 5-star restaurant for dinner. The guy does very well for himself, has several companies and is fairly young. She is very excited about the possibilities. Ladies, this is where we go wrong. We need to not get too excited because this is the whole reason why you date someone is to get to know them they will show their true colors in a short time. He did.
He was the Prince Charming of course. Problem is he made a lot of plans then bailed at the last minute, we are not sure (but pretty sure) if he had a girlfriend or not. He was not available all the time and kept changing plans. Problem is when he would f(*& up he would make up for it in big ways by expensive dinners, cash or whatever would work for him. I guess the company of a beautiful woman is important for the ego. Let’s face it everyone wants to be seen with someone attractive. I soon nicknamed him “Peter Pan’. He is the bachelor who is always taking “guy trips”, “isn’t ready to settle down in his mid-30’s” and leads with his money. I can see from an outsider all of the Red Flags. Of course, I have been through it before. (See “NotTheNorm” in Linda’s blogs).
She is the kind of girl that will only take so much so she told him to “F^%$ OFF! She didn’t hear from him for weeks until he needed a date. Now he is back to Prince Charming. Problem is he has no idea that he is not only dealing with her but her and all her friends too! Guys, women work in packs... We help each other, are there for each other, comfort each other and stand behind each other. Men are too stupid to figure that out. In the end, he will be the one who misses out on a great catch because there are many men just waiting in line to take her out and I just know we will ALL help her choose wisely.

Red Flags:
1. When a guy leads with his money he is hiding something.
2. If a guy has money and is a cheap ass, he won’t ever change after you marry him.
3. What you see is what you get. If he is flaky in the beginning, he will always be flaky no matter how big his wallet is.
4. You deserve the best, do not ever settle!
5. Do not ever be someone’s Plan B.
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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