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Online Dating vs Meeting at a Bar....

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I would like to talk about Online Dating verses meeting at a Bar. In the old days before Online Dating people would meet people at bars or clubs. We really had no choice if we wanted to meet someone, we would get all dressed up sexy and go out with our girlfriends and meet and mingle with guys at bars. For me this resulted in one relationship and a child. I had met this guy at the local bar and one thing led to another and soon after we were a couple and I ended up pregnant. Not my choice, it was an " oopsy ". Obviously that relationship ended and it wasn't pretty. The guy turned out to be a drug addict and alcoholic.
When you meet someone in a bar these days you really do not know anything about the person yet you give them your digits and take a chance. You have no idea if he is telling you the truth about anything. You don't know if he has a girlfriend already that he won't claim, or if he is married, or if he is married and looking for a mistress on the side or whatever! I would also like to raise the point that if you meet someone in a bar, chances are they will be drunk or buzzed and we all know that no one is in their right mind when drunk or buzzed therefore making a responsible decision is harder to do. I mean do you really want to meet a person who is intoxicated the first time you meet? Doesn't make for a good story later and just not a good idea. This doesn't mean that I am opposed to going to bars in general, I myself love to go to local dive bars every once in awhile it's fun, I just do not go there with the intent of meeting my future partner.

Let's talk about Honesty. Honesty is hard to find these days and I am going to have to go with Online Dating as a safer bet. Online Dating is still a RISK but at least you have some idea what the person is like just by looking at their profile.
You can see their relationship status, where they live, their age ( if they are being truthful ) and their hobbies etc. These details are pretty important and if you do decide to go out with someone, let me recommend that you meet in a public place, park your car in a less obvious place in case he or she is a stalker, UBER it there which is even better, dress appropriately, don't plan to be there very long, always have either a real or made up plan after the date so that you don't get stuck there for a long time like don't make it a dinner date! Save the dinner for the second date. It's ok to meet at a bar for a drink but pay attention to how the person conducts themselves in the bar. For example, if the person drove, pay attention to how much that person drinks because if they have more than one or two drinks then drives, this could be an indication that the person has no regard for drinking and driving responsibility. You should never drink and drive that's why my advice would be if you are meeting at a bar, absolutely UBER it there and back this is just the responsible thing to do.
If when you arrive at the meeting place and the person is just not the person you were expecting, don't be rude but do not stay a long time. If the person mis-represents their-self and lies about their age, height, weight or anything else, walk away. If the person lies about one thing, they are sure to be hiding other things as well and it can never turn out well.
Let's face it, it's all a "crap-shoot" out there whether you meet someone in the grocery store, work, bar, club or Online you just have to be very careful and protect yourself as best as you can.
My book called "The Top 10 Things People Lie About on Online Dating Sites and Why" is available on and is a guide for any Online Daters out there to help you identify the people who are lying to you. Please check it out, I guarantee it will help you!


If if you have any questions or comments email me at

Just click the link below to check out the book!
XOXO, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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