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The Women are Coming Out - Finally

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about how my website is working as designed. Recently, I have had a few women contact me after discovering my website regarding  my X. Let's remember the main reason why I created my website forum, it's because of my X who conned me, cheated on me, mentally abused me, ignored me, used me and many other really bad things. I wanted to warn other women about him and well I am happy to announce it is working. Like Bill Cosby, these women are coming out of nowhere searching for answers about my X. 
Little did I realize this was going to happen, I mean I wanted it to but to my own amazement it actually is. I have to say I feel vindicated knowing that I am not crazy and not the only woman he has done these awful things to. I feel bad for these women and I encourage them to love themselves enough to walk away because these are beautiful, successful women who deserve to be treated like a queen. 
In another way, I feel a bit sad for my X. I really don't think he can help himself. Like OJ Simpson, he really believes he is always right and believes his own lies. He accuses all of the women in his life of having personality disorders, bi-polar, depression etc. the only disorder we all have in common is we got suckered in by his good looks and charm. We are all successful, beautiful women who just picked the wrong guy. We ignored the early warning signs of his cheating and abuse only to try and keep the relationship going because he had convinced us that we are the ones with the problems and we are lucky enough that he will tolerate us enough to keep us around when he wants us. You see, it's our insecurities and flaws that are ruining any chance of happiness with him and if we don't change, it will never work. It's all our fault. 
Truth is, it is him who is the psycho. He is a master manipulator and con man, we are only lucky we didn't end up on a Dateline story. 
Now hear this! Any women out there that have been conned by this man, come forward with the others so no one else gets hurt. Tell all your friends about my website so they can spread the word.
To my X, when you are ready to come clean, get the help required and apologize to all of the women you used, conned, stole from, cheated on and mentally abused, I will happily write a nice come back story for you of the man you are supposed to be. The first step is admitting what you did and asking forgiveness. This is the only way you will ever have peace and ever have a chance of finding happiness and I mean this will not be an overnight thing. This will take time and asking for god's forgiveness will only bring you out of this hole you dug yourself in. 
Ladies, we need to stick together as this male is not the only male on the planet who does this to women. They are everywhere and the more we reject being disrespected by these men, the more they will be forced to step up and be the men God wants them to be.
Thank you to my loyal readers and followers and may God bless you in the new year!
Xoxo, Linda
Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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