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What do you do when you see your X on your Online Dating site?

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about how to react when you see your X on the same Online Dating site that you are on. It's quite a shocker at first. I have to say it's very hard to see your X and read what they wrote in their profile when you know it's all BS.
Obviously something was wrong because they are now your X but how do you warn other people about the person? That is the question that needs to be answered.
My experience has been that when I see my X on the site and read what he writes knowing he is completely lying and deceiving the women it's hard to ignore.
I guess the only thing is to create a forum to speak out against dangerous people. is a forum I created to report Online Daters that are dangerous, liars, cheaters, thiefs etc. and it's free.
You can also read my book on Online Dating called "The Top 10 Things People Lie About on Online Dating Sites and Why". It's available on It's true stories and advice on how to spot a liar, cheater, thief or dangerous person and what to look for, warning signs and real true life experiences.
I would love to hear your feedback on how to handle seeing someone on a dating site that you know is dangerous. What would you do?

Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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