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When you love someone like that. A dating story.

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about a true dating story. This is not an Online Dating story but my friend met a guy at a bar story. It all started at the Sports Bar. At first she gave him the cold shoulder because well she's just that way. She is gorgeous and can get away with it. He was immediately fascinated with her because she shined him on. Eventually he got her attention and the chemistry was out of the box fantastic, electric and sexy. They spent the evening together.
He called her the next day for a date. Now, I don't advocate one night stands and obviously there was alcohol involved, too much!
She agreed to go on a date. He took her to a Sushi place. He looked so cute and even got up from the table to her side of the table and kissed her in front of everyone! He was into her and so was she into him. They texted every day and saw each other for over a month a lot.
They even spent New Years Eve together! Had the perfect midnight kiss picture taken it was perfect, or so she thought.
Soon after that night he stopped texting and calling... Oh, I forgot he made it to her place one last night and even left his clothes there.
Now, after that she never heard from him. At this point she was "All in". She let her guard down and was falling fast and then he just stopped.
She was heartbroken and confused. She decided to text him and ask him why she hasn't heard from him? He told her he "just didn't think about it"!
What a jerk! Was there another woman involved? Probably...
This is why you should date someone before getting intimate. Women, you know when we get intimate we get involved with our hearts and guys don't. They don't think the way we do, to them it's just sex.
This is a fragile subject but it's very important to understand that guys think different than girls.
Don't jump in unless you are prepared to get your heart broken. I can say that my friend definitely got her heart broken and I hope has learned a valuable lesson.
Guys can be real jerks but they only treat you the way you let them. Date a guy for awhile before getting intimate, it will be worth it, hell, you're worth the wait! Value yourself and don't give it away without monogamy....
Love you girlfriend, I will always be here to support you....
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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