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Where did Chivalry Go? Online Dating by Linda

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about Chivalry. Recently, a friend of mine went on a Tinder Date. The guy was persistent and so they scheduled a mid-day coffee date. 

As she walked into the super cool coffee shop, she noticed him right away already sitting at a table with coffee in hand. She then walked over to him and introduced herself. She then said to him "oh I see you already have your coffee"?  He replied yes and did not offer to go and order hers. So, not wanting to be rude and keep it classy, she went to the counter and ordered her own coffee, and proceeded to sit down.

Below are three BIG DEAL BREAKERS he already committed in the first 30 minutes:

1. When he got to the coffee shop before her, he should have called and asked what she would like and had it ready and paid for.

2. When she approached him, he should have immediately stood up and pulled her chair out, asked her what she would like, and go and order it for her.

3. It's a cup of coffee FFS, it cost around $2 dollars. Don't be a CHEAP A$$ and pay for the dam coffee. 

The story continues - They drank their coffee, made small talk and he said he had to go. So they both got up, walked to the exit and he said goodbye and left. She never heard from him again and didn't want to at that point.

Below are three more  BIG DEAL BREAKERS he committed:

1. When they got up to leave, he didn't get her chair.

2. When they got to the exit, he didn't hold the door for her.

3. He did not walk her to her car.

The moral of this true story is this. If you are not happy with the person's looks or whatever, ALWAYS keep it CLASSY! AlWAYS!..  Even if you feel no connection with the person, you should always be a gentleman. Remember, other people, are always watching when you are in a public place. If I were sitting in the coffee shop, I would have KNOWN right away this guy is a total JERK! People do watch these things, in fact, "people watching" is a very popular pass-time. 

By the way, my friends' pictures on tinder were very recent and not deceiving at all. I am not sure what he was expecting but if you do not feel attracted to the person, do not go out with them. 

My advice for the Ladies.... If any of the above Deal Breakers happen on a first date (especially) they will happen all the time. A man that is committed will have no issue paying for you $2 coffee. Do not go out with a man like this. He definitely showed signs of being selfish and out for himself only and not committed to putting any work into a relationship, even if it's just a friendly relationship. Do not be that lady who accepts this sort of behavior.

I would love to hear your opinions on this. Please contact me at



Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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