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X Had His Cake And Ate It Too!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about my x and the other women. During our relationship at his apartment various items would just “show up” at Christmas time and his Birthday and Valentine’s Day. Some of the items I can think of were Ralph Lauren body wash, Scented Candles, Sex Lotions, Cologne, pictures for the walls, desk calendars, expensive body lotions, different articles of clothing and many more. In the beginning I always thought this was odd and when I asked him he would always say it was a present from his mother which I found out was a total lie. One time I saw a brand new desk calendar and as I was snooping through it, it was marked off one of the other women’s birthdays and valentines days etc. I about hit the ceiling! He quickly disposed of the calendar when I pointed it out. Why I didn’t leave then and there I will never know. I was such a DumbAss that’s all I can say. I really thought he would change. Looking back in retrospect I was so stupid obviously he had to meet with her in order for her to give that to him DUH! Like throwing it away was going to make everything OK… Ladies, please do not be as stupid as I was… I hope you are reading this and learning from it that is the whole reason for my website is to hopefully help other people and this goes both ways I know that the men are victims too!
He was a taker. He was a bad boy, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Even to this day everyone that knows him thinks he is an outstanding guy. I know the real truth. This man wanted my daughter and myself dead and even inquired with one of the Other Women (See ShersHerMan in Linda’s blogs) about getting someone to take us out after we were separated. This website and all these stories are/is no joke. This is a very serious thing that happened to me and I want to tell my story so that it may help someone else. He may be one man but there are many more of him out there and my stories are classic signs of Red Flags you should look out for.
I hope you will stay tuned there is so much more to tell.
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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