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Bill Cosby's wife - in DENIAL!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I just have to write about Bill Cosby's wife. This woman is standing by her man! This doesn't surprise me at all. As a woman with a (x) husband who cheated constantly throughout our marriage, I can understand where her mind set is. I too didn't want to confirm by speaking about my husbands cheating. I knew in my heart what he was doing and I chose for a long time to ignore it. I tried talking to the women on the phone and nothing helped. He did what he did.
I believe like Mrs. Cosby that a rapist like Bill Cosby likes the idea of having a virtuous wife while leading a double life. This whole story hits home to me in so many ways. A man ( not that he's a real man) like Cosby is a manipulator and a sicko! He's lead a double life for so many years and kudos to the women that finally came out after all of these years and are speaking out about what happened to them. Last I heard there were 27 women that came forward. That's a lot of women! I believe there were probably 100's of them. Mrs. Cosby was at home raising their kids and turning her cheek to what was happening. It's easy to do when you have kids and a sizable income to ignore the signs of a rapist, cheating husband.
My x often told me he liked that I was a christian and he believed that by my faith he would be more favorable to the Lord no matter what he did. That was really stupid but true.
I believe Mrs. Cosby doesn't want to admit what is the obvious because she has so much to lose. I would like to feel bad for her but not really because she is defending a rapist. Any woman who would defend her rapist husband and I don't care who he is needs their head examined.
Cosby's reputation has been tarnished now even though we'll never see justice at least we have that but I believe Cosby needs to be locked up like any other Rapist!
Unlike Cosby who's reputation has been affected, my x still walks around like he never did anything. No one knows what he did, and that's sad. I say, one day your sins will find you out its just a matter of time. Look at Cosby, it took 40 years but it did happen.
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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