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Girls Night Out - Younger Men

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Whoa it was a crazy night! 3 of us girls on the town. Ages 48, 44 and 28. It all started with Patron shots at my place. we proceeded to walk through the crowds downtown and into a pizza place for a quick bite to soak up some of the Tequila shots. The owner of the place was bringing us free desserts I guess we were a little festive and next thing you know the chef was sending me free drinks... I drank a couple then poured into a plastic soda cup with a straw and on to the next bar we go a place called Legends. We never have to wait in line for some reason we are well known downtown by the bouncers so we get right in. I admit it's a nice luxury I mean who wants to wait in line! And it doesn't hurt we are 3 hot ladies! 

We find a seat at the bar upstairs and let the drama begin, my daughter gets us free drinks and is quickly approached by a handsome Marine whom she gives the cold shoulder which makes him pursue her even more but she knows exactly what she is doing after all she's read the "Why Men Love Bitches" book and listens to mommys advice pretty well on how to handle guys. Meanwhile, I just sit back and watch , I'm not allowed to tell anyone I'm the mother so we tell everyone were sisters and people believe us. Thank you Dr. Mowlavi my personal plastic surgeon! By the time we leave he begs her for her number and she gives it to him. He was hot! Why can't I be 20 years younger?  

We move along to the next bar called Dogz. It's the coolest bar downtown and again, we don't have to wait in line because it's my "Oops I did it again" Papparazi guy that runs the bar so we get right in and who do I run into immediately? A POF date who looks surprised to see me? Yes, I have a life outside of you and no, I'm not sitting around at home waiting for your call! So I say a polite hello and work my way through the crowd. The place was so busy I didn't get to talk to my Papparazi guy so that was a bummer but I saw him last weekend so I'm good for now. Lol

We meet a gal in Dogz and strike up conversation about Online Dating and she shows us a Dick Pic from a guy that was so bad I mean who does that? And she didn't even ask for it! It's one thing if you ask for it but read my blog "Please don't send me a Dick Pic" and that will explain my feelings on that subject. Meanwhile we are getting hit on by younger guys, I mean it's flattering and these younger guys are not that dumb! Us older ladies have it going on for sure and they know it. We decide to move along to the next bar even though we could have had our pick of any of the younger guys there...LOL

The next bar is a dive bar but still pretty popular and the two girls are pretty hammered by now I'm holding off because I need to write today and don't want the hangover so we go in again, bypassing the line and we find a place at the bar and order more drinks. We flirt with some guys, dance to "I like big butts and I cannot lie"... lol. I was getting tired after all I am the mother and the oldest so I said a quick goodbye and walk home. I get into my Jammie's and just when I'm ready to fall asleep, my phone rings. It's my daughter telling me our friend is drunk and coming to my place to crash. I quickly get up and prepare my spare bedroom for her and soon she arrives and gets into bed and passes out. 

My daughter tells me she's staying with the MARINE AND HEADS ON OUT THE DOOR. I WAKE UP TO A CALL FROM MY DAUGHTER AND SHES ON HER WAY TO PICK UP OUR FRIEND. WE ALL LAUGH AND IT WAS A SCREAMING GOOD TIME I MEAN THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS ON LADIES NIGHT, We all have a good laugh and one of us in not in our own clothes but wearing a marine hat and marine hoodie...LMAO! I think....

xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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