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Janay Rice - In Denial

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I would like to talk about Janay Rice, Ray Rice's wife. I just watched her interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show. My thoughts are that this is a woman who is in love truly. I do believe she loves him. I too was in a domestic violence marriage. I too was in denial like her. I stayed at first and endured several beatings until the time it happened to me in front of my 2 year old son. At that point I finally woke up and got out of there. My X has been in and out of jail several times for beating up his girlfriend and he has not changed at all. 

Janay and her mother swore this has never happened before but I'm not sure I believe them. Her mother said this is the last time and that it will never happen again. That is a typical reaction from an abused woman. Maybe Janay's mother was abused? I don't know so I will not say but I do not understand her supporting her daughter's bad choices. I don't care who you are, you can be the President of the United States and if you are an abuser, you are an abuser. 99% of abusers never change especially if they don't get help. 

Janay refuses to put a label on what happened to her which again is a typical denial response of an abused woman. She even admitted she was lead to participate in the press interview but really did not want to be there. I don't blame her, I would have been embarrassed and humiliated as she clearly was. 

Matt pointed out that he apologized to his fans publicly but never to his wife at the press conference. I believe he didn't because this wasn't the first incident and he knows she won't leave him. You would think if this was the first time he would have shown remorse for his actions in public and told his wife he was sorry but he didn't. Janay claims he has said he was sorry to her in private and I believe that. I also believe he told her it would never happen again but I don't believe that. Time will tell for sure.

I am outraged with Janay's mother for not trying to help her get out of that marriage ASAP. As a mother, you help your kids not encourage a dangerous situation. 

I think both Janay and her mother need to get educated on Domestic Violence and Abuse. I know this will happen again and this won't be the last we hear about this couple in the media. I will not support any team that picks him up right now. I think if I see him try and reinvent himself similiar to what Michael Vick did then I can support him but until that time I hope the NFL takes a stand against this behavior and makes him prove himself.

XOXO, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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