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"Masterdate" by George Reagan - A Must Read!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to tell you about a new book by George Reagan entitled “Masterdate – The Handy Guide to Internet Dating for Guys”.

I just finished reading this book. At first, as a woman I was skeptical thinking what do I need to know about Internet Dating for Guys? After all I am Linda from who just published my first book called “The Top 10 Things People Lie about on Online Dating Sites and Why”. What could I possibly learn that I didn’t know already?

Boy was I wrong! I knew nothing, nada, and zero about what guys think about themselves, dating, sex and relationships. I never knew so many guys had self-confidence issues. Guys can put on a good game in front of us girls that’s for sure! I learned so much from this book as I reflected back to my many Online Dates and I could see all of the scenarios that happened to me. This book is a “MUST READ” for any guy or girl that is an Online Dater. For the guys, this book will help you in your pursuit of self-confidence when Online Dating. Let me tell you from a girl’s point of view, there is nothing sexier than a guy who is self-confident. Why else would we girls find married men so attractive? It is because they are self-confident! They are not out to impress a lady because they have one at home already. If you do not have self-confidence, this book will tell you exactly how to get it. George points out how to tell if a guy is self-confident or not simply by how far away he stand from the urinal in a public restroom! LMAO... If the guy stands far away, chances are he is self-confident (no matter what size he is). If a guy stands too close than this is a sign he may have self-confidence issues. BTW, we girls pay attention to how long you spend in the bathroom meaning “WASH YOUR HANDS GUYS”! We girls would really appreciate it!

Take all of your clothes off in private and look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself “Would you date you”? If the answer is no or even if it is yes than you need to read this book ASAP. George points out how to gain your self-confidence where even you would date you! LOL.

Personal hygiene is another topic that George discusses in his book. This is a BIGGIE guys! Pay close attention to what George has to say!

Write a funny but intelligent bio. Girls love a guy that can make them laugh! This is what gets our attention when reading your bios. Also, “SPELL CHECK” your bio before you publish it! If you claim to be a CEO and you cannot spell, then this is a big red flag for us girls.

Choose recent pictures. Girls don’t care what you looked like 5 years ago! This is 2014, post a recent (by yourself) picture. Don’t post a profile picture with a lot of people in it where we have to guess which one is you. (This is a big pet peeve of mine by the way). Make sure you are dressed nice too. George talks all about this in the book, pay attention!

Rejection. This happens to all of us no doubt even if you are a Brad Pitt look alike if your bio is mean, arrogant, self-centered or rude you won’t get the responses you are looking for. Remember, it’s not all about you!

First dates. I loved this chapter because George NAILED IT! I was reading and laughing out loud because everything he wrote is so true! George talks about all of the uncomfortable things that happen on a first date or meet and greet. George gives great advice on this very subject. He spells out exactly how a guy should approach a first date or meet and greet. Pay attention, he’s spot on with this! (I’m beginning to like George a lot, it’s like he’s the male version of me)...LOL George even talks about the next dates (2, 3, etc.). What do you do or not do? Well, George will tell you and he’s absolutely right.

Seduction vs. Romance. Again, George nails it here as well for this topic. I’m beginning to wonder how George knows so much about how we girls think? I know, he must have grown up with 10 sisters! LOL. After reading this chapter I am excited to go and update my own bio because I learned so much. When should you kiss? Do you expect to get laid on the first date? This chapter is the “go to” for any guy to help him decipher of what to do and when to do it.

Communication. How to communicate with a girl one on one or even in a group setting. How do you act? Well, George will tell you and remember he talks from experience as he tells his personal stories in the book. (Just fascinating)

Expectations. What should you expect on a first date or meet and greet or even the dates after? George explains this in detail so you don’t feel rejected if things don’t go your way.

Finding love. Is it possible? Yes! George talks about the perfect situation in which it is very possible to fall in love.

My advice? Guys and Girls need to read this book if you are an Online Dater or know someone who is. This book would make a great gift to an Online Dater (especially the guys). George did an excellent job in explaining what Online Daters really feel like, no sugar coating here!

I am so happy I read this book and I highly recommend it! “Masterdate – The Handy Guide to Internet Dating For Guys”

XOXO, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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