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Dear Mr. Money

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Dear Mr. Money,
You wanted to meet on a spur the moment… I gave in only because I had no other plans. We met and when I saw you, you were a lot heavier than your pictures. You were a BIG buy and you drove a little white convertible Mercedes (Looks like your wife’s car). It’s like when you see a big guy walking a little dog… it’s just weird... And YES he had a little dog… LMAO…
Dear Mr. Money, I know you are a good looking guy just a little overweight so you have to lead with your money… within the first 30 minutes I had you figured out because you told me the following things within the first 30 minutes.
1. You used to be a male model. (I can believe this because you were very handsome just let yourself go)
2. You were a millionaire (You mentioned you were the CEO about 50 times during the entire night)
3. You gave your ex-wife a lot of money and a house in the divorce (Why would you divulge this on a first date? Are you trying to tell me something?)
4. You know everything about the ocean, you are an expert at most things. (I hate a Know it All)
5. I can tell you had a bad temper. You had no patience with anyone the entire night. You could blow it at any minute, it was kind of scary.
6. You had me drive you to your car which was only one block away? REALLY? I mean, REALLY? Have you heard of a Personal Trainer? I heard if you have a lot of money you can hire one. I would be good for you to get in shape and get healthy. It doesn’t matter how much money you have if you are not healthy…
Dear Mr. Money you never even said anything about me. You never told me I was pretty or anything. You complimented my car. You were a gentleman and I appreciate that but you are also a very insecure guy. There are books out there you can read. If you have to lead with your money I am not interested. I am not “One of those ladies” who is looking for a Sugar Daddy… I actually have to like you and be attracted to you I don’t care how much money you have! I am a very independent, secure and attractive woman and I refuse to settle.
Dear Mr. Money, here is some advice for you for your next date.
1. Go to an Anger Management Class.
2. Hire a personal trainer with all your money it shouldn’t be a problem.
3. Read a good book on Men and Women. Suggestion “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. It’s a very basic book and easy to read and very informative.
BTW, this was a POF date.
Lessons learned:
1. If a guy is too persistent, that is a red flag. You want a man that works around your schedule.
2. If a Man leads with his money, red flag. He is hiding something. I have a feeling that this guy probably had some domestic violence issues in his past.
3. Looks can be deceiving and people post OLD pictures.
4. Talk to the guy on the phone more than once before meeting you can tell a lot about a person just by talking to them on the phone a couple times.
5. Women want LOVE not money… it’s true but if you can find both then that’s great.
6. We want a nice warm body that is going to be next to us at night and stand beside us during the day.
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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