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Im Going 2 Sleep On Your Couch NOT! A POF Dating Story

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to tell you about a Plenty of Fish Dating Story. I met him on POF. He was handsome, successful, funny and polite. He didn't ask for extra pictures or anything weird before we met. We talked on the phone a couple times before meeting. We met at a restaurant/bar and he looked just like his pictures and was dressed real nice which I appreciated. We had a cocktail and then we went to Sushi. It was a nice evening and he even paid my valet parking. The next day he wants to take me to dinner again so I say yes. He says he wants to drive and pick me up so I say ok. MISTAKE! Ladies, even on the second date don't let the guy come to your place you really don't know him yet.
Anyway, he picks me up and has a bottle of Saki in his hand so I think well, ok we pour a couple glasses before we walk to dinner from my house. He takes me to my favorite restaurant. Our table isn't ready so we go to the bar where he orders some more drinks and starts to get drunk. Then he starts to get "feely touchy", starts grinding against me with his "junk". I am so embarrassed I could scream! They call us to our table. He orders another drink and the entire night he never listened to anything I said. He just sat there and stared at me like I was dessert! Finally dinner was over and I'm thinking thank you god now I can get rid of him. He proceeds to tell me while we are walking back to my place that he is going to sleep on my couch! Wtf? I just laughed it off and he told me he was serious? No way! I told him no way in hell is this going to happen and he tells me well I can't drive I had too much to drink. Not my problem dude, you are a grown man, take a cab! Honestly, I told him goodbye at the door and sent him off. I assume he made it home because he tried to call me several times after but no way am I going out with him again. He obviously has a drinking problem and a stupid man problem because you don't assume you're going to spend the night on your dates couch on a second date.
This is why you "date" someone. It takes several dates before you know the person.
Lessons learned:
1. Don't let the guy know where you live or pick you up until you know he is a good person and you can trust him.
2. Don't ever let a guy sleep on your couch because he drank too much. He is a total stranger just because you went on a date doesn't mean you let him into your home right away!
3. Don't go out with a guy/girl who drinks like a fish and disrespects you.
4. What you see is what you get, if they get drunk on the date probably means they get drunk a lot. You don't need someone with an addiction problem nothing good can come from that.
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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