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I Will Be Single Until The Day

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I will be single until the day I meet the man who will take himself off all dating sites and add me as a Facebook friend. He will introduce me as his GF and take me to meet his family. He will make me his priority while still maintaining his true self. He will want me to be with him all the time but he will respect my need for my own space when needed.
He will tell all of his X-girlfriends that he has met the love of his life and is no longer on the market, he will do this without me having to ask him to. He will want to cook with me and for me. He will go to parties with me and act like a gentleman. He will love and value my kids because he understands they are my heart. He will never criticize my flaws or imperfections. He will think I look prettier without make up. He will share the remote control and watch my favorite reality shows with me.
He will happily take me out and be proud to be with me. He will provide for and protect me. He will support me and my decisions and not deny me of my dreams. He will take the trash out and help around the house. He will keep his phone on and not hide it because he has nothing to hide.
He will become my best friend and lover. He will listen to me even if I am not making any sense. He will take care of me if I am sick. He will wash and maintain my car so I don’t have to anymore. He will not be a drunk or have any addictions. He will always put himself in my shoes because he is smart enough to understand women are complicated.
He won’t yell or raise his voice unless his is trying to protect me.
He will love me and want to be with me forever.
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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