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The Other Woman is FAT! Is that REALLY Her?

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Hello readers, Linda here. Let's talk about running into the "other woman" when you're out in public. This happened to me when I was with my x. By this time in our dating relationship it had become open dialogue because I have already caught him cheating and took him back like a dumbass. He would tell me when she contacted him so I knew about her or so I thought. I really believed him. He said he loved me and being with her was just like playing tennis, you just play tennis then stop playing tennis, no big deal. That's how he explained it to me and I bought it. I was so stupid.
Anyway, we went to get our Italian take out and we walked into the restaurant and ordered at the counter. We then went to the waiting room where it was packed so we sat in the last two seats available. I looked briefly at the couple in front of us and thought to myself, wow, that woman looks like a witch! Honestly I did! She had jet black died hair with a receding hairline and she weighed about 280. My x quickly whispered in my ear and said "that's XXXXX"! I said out loud "WHAT? Are you serious? And then he grabbed my arm and made me stand up and wait by the front door. The entire time she was giving him the dirtiest look like she was surprised to see me! By the way, ladies, always make sure you look your best in case this ever happens. Lol I looked fabulous that night!
The entire night I was in shock. Seriously he would ditch me for that thing? Come to find out most men don't care as long as they get good sex and their needs met they will take whatever is available so don't doubt yourself. It's his problem not yours. This was the start to my demise of my self confidence. I never thought I could measure up to be the perfect girl for him.
Lessons learned:
1. Listen to your BFF.f!
2. When a man cheats, run as fast as you can to get away!
3. What you see is what you get, they rarely change.
4. Looks are deceiving.
5. You are Fabulous and deserve the best!

Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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