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Foot Fetish Creep POF Creeper

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Hello Readers, Linda here. This morning around 3am I was woken up to my phone going off notifying me that I have a message on POF. I am always interested to see who is up in the middle of the night stalking the Online Dating Sites so I go ahead and check it out. Well, let me tell you this... it was a “HATE MAIL”! Yep, just like I wrote about the other day. (See Hate Male and Online Dating). Anyway, of course it was a man (and I say this only because I am being polite) and he says some smart ass remark about my place of residence? HUH? WTF? Seriously? This guy KNOWS he has ZERO chance of going out with me at all so he chooses to harass me instead. He claims to be a world traveler as he explains in his bio how he traveled all over the world yada, yada, yada….. And how is an Attorney but is also a musician… Mind you he claims to be 5’8 which really means he is 5’5 most likely. There was a picture of him on his Harley and it was twice the size of him… just sayin…
Further on in his profile he went on to say that if your second toe was longer than your big toe, then he was not interested? FOOT FETISH!!!... Then he said one of his favorite things was pink or blue nail polish on your toes… OK, I have seen enough. I had to respond back and I told him he obviously had short man syndrome and a fetish and he is on the wrong dating site. The funniest part was he replied back and told me to continue “Tweaking” and that I do not look the age I have listed on my profile… LMAO… I am only up because my phone woke me up because of his dumb ass and to think I could have been dreaming about Eric Church or Tim McGraw or someone like that!
Lesson learned:
1. Do not interrupt your precious sleep for anyone unless it is an emergency.
2. Guys that are stalking the Online Dating Sites in the middle of the night are mostly Creepers!
3. Watch out for Attorney’s, this is the second one I have come across that had a fetish. (See Not the Norm)
4. Warn other people by listing them on!
Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
  • Bob
    Bob Sunday, 26 February 2017

    You seem like one of the many attention whores on POF. You are probably fat and funky also. But you will get tons of attention online, but not in person. Enjoy living with cats the rest of your life.

  • Guest
    Bob's mate Saturday, 21 October 2017


  • Linda
    Linda Monday, 13 March 2017

    Hi Bob, you must be one of the A-Holes that the ladies write to me about..
    Have a good day!

  • Guest
    Bob Monday, 13 March 2017

    No. Just stating the truth. I'm happily in a relationship. I'm sure you are not. How are you going to give advice when you are single and not in demand? lol

  • Linda
    Linda Saturday, 18 March 2017

    Hi Bob,
    I am very much in demand by the way.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Linda
    Linda Tuesday, 14 March 2017

    Hi Bob,

    Thank you for your response. I give advice based on facts, interviews I've done and data. I am not in a relationship like you say because I've been in mourning over my X who killed himself last year. Once I feel emotionally healthy, I will be ready to take on a relationship. When one is not ready emotionally, they should take care of themselves first and then date.
    Have a great day! Linda xoxo

  • Bob
    Bob Saturday, 18 March 2017

    Online you are probably are. The most average looking women like yourself are superstars online. So many desperate simpy men live online. Off line, I would disagree. Average looking women like yourself typically get a reality shock to your egos when realizing you are not dealing with the same type of men.

  • Linda
    Linda Monday, 20 March 2017

    Hi Bob,

    Your perception is very fascinating. I am wondering if you maybe got spooked or Catfished and you are very bitter about that...
    I am wondering if you think you know me. I probably sent you the link to my website to try and help you in some way as I am sure you needed it.
    How did you find out about my site if I am incorrect in my thinking?

    Xoxo, Linda

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