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Ladies, We Need to Stick Together! Most Men Are Players!

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about guys. First, let's talk about really good guys. Ok, there are some. Now, let's talk about 'Players'.
I will say that if you browse any Online Dating Sites you will run into many, many players. What's a player? A player is a guy who dates and has sex with many women at one time. He may be single, married, in a relationship or just plain honest about it. A good indicator is when they put on their profile 'wants to date but nothing serious'. Stay away from those guys because you will only get hurt. Another indicator and the one used by my X-husband is 'looking for long term". This means they do not want to totally commit or take steps like marriage or even living together they just want a girlfriend who has no expectations of getting that ring on her finger but will be around when he needs her. This also means you may even have to go Dutch on vacations and things. This happened to me when I met my X. He had many women and was such a cheap ass he would never pay for anything. It wS amazing how he had all of these older women at his feet who would bring him gifts and buy him things yet he would never give back. Then he met me. I had no idea at first because he told me everything I wanted to hear yet he was on many dating sites all the time. We were exclusive yet I would find him on all kinds of dating sites. I found condoms, candles, nail polish, women's moisturizers, women's clothes, cut off tags from Victoria's Secret on the bathroom floor and many more things in his apartment. I was so stupid. Looking back now, I can't even believe I continued to see him. Anyway, let's move on to today's topic.
If you have dated a player or are dating a player, and you know the 'other women', you immediately should warn them if you can. Us ladies need to stick together. The only way these guys will stop is if we stick together and really listen to one another. Honestly, there are millions of guys out there. If you are approached by another woman about the guy you are dating, sit down and have coffee or even a cocktail with that lady and listen to what she tells you. If only I would have listened to my BFF about my X I would not have gone through hell like I did and almost lose my life literally plus all my life savings. My BFF was always right and shame on me for not listening to her.
This has come to light lately in my life. My X and my X. I have warned both of the other women but I do not think they are listening. Ladies, please listen to me when I tell you, these guys are players and you are wasting your time, energy and money on these losers.
What do you think you would do if you were dating a guy and was approached by another woman about him? Would you listen or would you be so desperate that you would not listen? Have some self respect and do some investigation on your man. You have to these days. If another woman approaches you, listen to her and do your research. If you think you can change a man, well you can't. What you see and hear is what you get.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Contact me at

Also, check out my new book 'The Top 10 Things Peopke Lie About on Onlibe Dating Sites and Why". Available at and Kindle.

Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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