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Charlie Sheen - My Thoughts

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about someone that's been on my mind lately, Charlie Sheen. Oh boy where to start? First off, I want to say that I think Charlie Sheen is a talented and brilliant actor. I mean, who doesn't love Two and 1/2 men? So many nights I sat and watched every episode.. Laughed so hard and couldn't wait for the next week to watch again. Probably the funniest sitcom ever and I mean that sincerely.
I'm trying to put myself in his shoes. Let's see, he said he found out about his HIV status about 4 years ago. That makes a lot of sense because that's when he kind of went off the deep end at the end of his famous sitcom. He most likely found out while filming Two and 1/2 men which probably started the downhill spiral. I can only imagine what he was going through. He probably thought his life was coming to an end. If I thought my life was coming to an end, you better believe I would let people know I loved them and if I had any enemies or co-workers including bosses I really hated but couldn't speak up, well this would be the time I would do it. I bet Charlie felt that way. We all have those people we really just want to tell them what we really think, right or wrong and I can totally relate to Charlie in this way.
So, I'm Charlie and I just found out about my HIV status. I'm newly married with kids on the way. I panic. I call my closest friend or my famous dad to ask for advice. I go into immideately regret of the things that I did to put me where I am right now. I drink, I do drugs, I have to numb the pain and feelings and horror I am going to go through. What will everyone think or say about me? I know my haters are going to say I deserved this. I will look like a total ass. I can't deal with this. What about my kids? What about my kids? I can't deal with this, I need to do more drugs.
Honestly, I believe Charlie loves his kids more than anything. I can understand him wanting to keep this secret. After all, it's his life, his business and now he has to learn how to keep his secret and move on with his life. So sad that he's had to pay people off in the amount of millions of dollars. Very sad. Wasted money. That money could have gone into AIDS research. Very sad our society today has wasted so much money in the wrong places instead of cancer research or AIDS research, diabetes etc.
So Charlie did a lot of drugs and went on a lot of public rants over Twitter and other social media. He was suffering trauma and don't tell me you wouldn't freak out if this happened to you! I know I would freak out absolutely.
No one really knew at the time why he was ranting and raving and acting so hostile? Obviously, this is a normal reaction to hearing such bad news.
I feel sorry for Charlie. Don't be so critical because we all have made mistakes or really bad decisions in our life that we are ashamed of they are just not publicized like Charlie.
Ok, Charlie gets the meds he needs and tried to go on after Two and 1/2 men. He gets a new sitcom which I also enjoyed watching. Perfect name 'Anger Management '. He now has to deal with keeping the sitcom funny and compete with his former sitcom, deal with the everyday struggles of his health and add another divorce on top of that. That's a lot of stress.
Then, he begins to reveal his secret to so called 'friends' who promise to keep his secret but don't. Then he has to pay them off. Can you imagine telling someone such a personal secret to a trusted friend only to have them turn on you? Let's face it. It's really hard to hold a secret but dammit, you have to! Evil world we live in where money comes before morality and trust. I say to those people who went public with his secret, shame on you and trust me, what comes around, goes around!
Do I think Charlie made some bad decisions to get him where he is today? Of course, but I am no one to judge. I have made plenty mistakes and bad decisions and I am paying for them every day. I have to live with what I've done and it's an everyday struggle. Maybe I didn't make the same bad decisions as Charlie but I made up for it in my own struggles. Who's to say one is worse than the other? Does it really matter anyway? Just because I'm not a celebrity doesn't mean I didn't screw my life up sometimes, it just wasn't in the media that's all.
So Charlie is HIV + that's very sad. Despite all of his rants and bad decisions, I still like the guy and yes, I think he was very brave to go public with his announcement. That could not have been easy. I hope he has a sense of relief now for his own sanity. And don't tell me 'he deserved what he got!. Everyone has made bad decisions and for those women that Charlie was with well, they did it willingly and had their own reasons as of why. Could be so they could say they slept with him, for the money or even for the chance to be famous. Who knows but it really doesn't matter now anyway.
Before you judge Charlie, take a look in your own mirror and remember all of the bad decisions you have made in your life. No one is perfect and we all need to be compassionate and put yourself in the other persons shoes.
I am sure Charlie will come out a 'winner' in the end because I do believe this is a wake up call for many people including myself. I believe he will help other people and be the good guy that he really is because of this.
Thanks Charlie for coming forward and I wish you the best. Life is tough and sometimes bad things happen but you have to move on with your head held high and push through it.


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Xoxo, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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