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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to announce a brand new series for My personal plastic surgeon Dr. Arian Mowlavi (who makes me feel great about myself) and I are teaming up for a series of interviews all about how to look and feel your best in order to attract the perfect partner whether it be post-divorce like myself or for any other reason.

Let’s face it, we are all looking for love these days if you are a single person and in order to meet people, we resort to ‘Online Dating’ as a necessity in order to accomplish our goal of finding love again. Now, as you know, I blog about Online Dating all the time and I am in the market myself so this is very close to my heart.

I admit that when I was married I was not as concerned about my looks because I was in a marriage and although I didn’t let myself go, I did not concern myself with having any kind of work done. In the latter part of my marriage, I started gaining weight and half of my hair fell out and I had no idea why. I was feeling sick every day and it really bothered my husband. I mean, who wants their spouse to be sickly and gain weight and lose half of their hair? This came as a total surprise and I went to my medical doctor and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This explained everything. By the time I got on the right cocktail dose of meds, it was too late. My marriage was over and I was left single again to pick up the pieces and start my life over. There were a lot of bad things my X-husband did to me after our separation but I am going to leave that to the upcoming interview.

I lost the weight, got healthy and doctored up my hair with extensions to make me feel better while my hair grew back.

I met a new friend who introduced me to Dr. Mowlavi. She was waxing my brows and asked me if I had ever thought about Botox. I really never have but she invited me to my first Botox party at Dr. Mowlavi’s office. He was the kindest most sweetest and caring doctor who really showed great interest in me. He made me feel special and at the time he did not even know my horrible story. I got the Botox and continued to go every 4 months. During one of my visits, he asked me if I would consider getting my eyes done. I have never even thought about my eyes as I was growing older and never really paid attention so yes, I agreed and that was life changing for me.

In the surgery room, Dr. Arian Mowlavi and his assistant James worked on my eyes. I was very nervous as you have to be awake during the procedure. They were really great at making me feel at ease and under the numbing medication, I started telling my story about my divorce and all of the dangerous things that my X-husband attempted to do to me after the separation. I told him about my website and how I blog about Online Dating and Relationships and at that moment we discussed the idea of working together. You see, Dr. Arian Mowlavi is all about helping people look their best and when you look your best, you feel better about yourself.

Needless to say after the healing from my eye surgery, I honestly looked and felt 10 years younger. I kept getting compliments on how pretty my blue eyes were. Before my eyes were getting droopy and that is the natural aging process and after surgery, I looked like a younger person. I cannot tell you how much better I felt and still feel today.

A few months after that I had some free time between jobs so I decided to go see Dr. Arian Mowlavi and get a consultation on a boob job. Secretly I always wanted a boob job but I decided this was a good time so I went in to see the doctor for my consultation. He looked at my breasts but then he quickly noticed my belly. I had 2 C-Sections with my kids and it wasn’t the prettiest part of my body and that always bothered me too. So, he tells me “Linda, I can make your stomach flat as a board”. That’s all he had to say to me and I signed myself up. I also wanted my lips done too and he did all three procedures at the same time.

I spent a couple months recovering and the results are well let me say, I feel like Marilyn Monroe. I have the slim yet curvy to die for body I always wanted. I started a new job after recovery and let me tell you, I look so great and sexy and all of my clothes fit so well. I almost feel guilty for how great I look! True story.

Dr. Arian Mowlavi has changed my life. I now have even more self-confidence that I had before my awful marriage and I look and feel healthy and my life has totally changed. I always had a very slim body type and now I have the curves I always wanted and look much younger than I really am. I will forever be grateful to him for taking such interest in me and really caring about me.

Now, let’s talk about what is going to happen. An exciting opportunity to listen to Dr. Mowlavi speak about his gift and my opportunity to speak about how his gift has helped me and how we both share a common interest and passion in helping other people. Conrad Bosmans from Business Innovators Magazine is going to be interviewing Dr. Mowlavi and myself together for a series of radio podcasts that I will be featuring on my website The first is going to be my story. My story of how my divorce could have landed me a ‘Dateline Story’ very easily if I wasn’t as smart as I was and we will discuss that in the first interview.

Dr. Mowlavi is going to be on the cover of Business Innovators Magazine and has written 2 books on how to look your best. Below is an example of a Skin Care Series interview that Dr. Mowlavi did with Conrad Bosmans recently that will be featured in the magazine.

For followers, Dr. Mowlavi is offering a special offer so be sure and to see what it is as I assure you, you do not want to miss out on this!

So much to look forward to and just in time for the New Year 2016!

You can contact me at

for any questions or comments. Please see below the first interview with the Doctor and Conrad Bosmans on Skin Care which has very important and life changing information. Stay tuned for the series and I just know you will get a lot of laughter and good information as we merge our two passions together. Online Dating and Looking your Best!


xoxo, Linda

The 5 Critical Steps to Great Looking Skin

Dr. Arian Mowlavi shares his secrets


By Conrad Bosmans

Do you have an effective skin maintenance routine?

Most of us love the summer and enjoying the outdoors. Unfortunately, it comes at a steep price… that summer sunshine wreaks havoc on our skin.

Its harmful UV rays cause sunburn, leathery skin, wrinkles, premature aging and deadly skin cancers.

But the real problem is that while skin care is a critical, never ending process, most people lack an effective routine to protect and maintain their skin so they always look their best.

As part of our "How to Look Your Best Series" I recently interviewed our own Dr. Arian Mowlavi, the founder of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute. As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Arian Mowlavi has seen how the summer sun ravages the skin of beach-loving locals.

In this series of interviews, Dr. Mowlavi outlines the 5 Critical Steps to Great Looking Skin and how his patients use them to prevent and reverse sun damage to their skin.

Even better, he shares the easiest way to tailor your skin care maintenance program in the most comfortable, easy, safe and affordable way possible.

  If you want healthy, great looking skin that helps you look your best….Dr. Mowlavi is going to share the exact steps you must take to do so:

Q: What should we be worried about after a summer in the sun at our beautiful beaches?

Dr. Mowlavi: I see a lot of patients who have been really ravaged by the summer sun. While the most obvious problem is sunburn, ultimately harmful sun exposure leads to leathery or rough skin, blemishes, wrinkles, and cancerous lesions. In the end, it leads to an older, rougher and unhealthy appearance.

Q: How can people prevent or undo the ravages the sun has taken on their skin?

Dr. Mowlavi: It all starts with having a routine maintenance program that is tailored to your specific needs. It should include the right combination of the five key skin care elements:

  • Erasing wrinkles
  • Reducing sun spots and blemishes
  • Tightening loose skin
  • Improving skin texture
  • Removing skin “ditzels”

Since most of my patients struggle with finding the exact maintenance routine that is right for them, we’ve developed some valuable tools and resources that walk them through their step-by-step roadmap to great looking skin. 

It all starts with this 5-Part Skin Care Series that kicks off with “How to Erase Facial Wrinkles”.

And for people who would like a more comprehensive and interactive experience, we're launching a free webinar series where they'll be able to "ask the Doc" about the things that matter most to them.

(Be sure to check your inbox for our next session: "How to Erase Facial Wrinkles".)

Special Gifts for Linda's Date List Members


Come in before December 20th and receive:

10 units of Botox for Free

Free Skin Evaluation and Personalized Skin Care Plan


Schedule Your Free Consultation

Arian Mowlavi, M.D., F.A.C.S. Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute (949) 499-4147

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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