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My Husband Has Passed. His Mistress is at Fault - by Linda

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to tell you about my late husbands mistress. She was in his life before he met me. She never left even after we married.  I really thought she was gone and had accepted the fact that he was now a married man. My late husband is gone now and I am devastated to say the least. Every day is getting better but the last four months of his life, we reconnected even though we went through a bad divorce, the last four months was very enlightening. We forgave each other for the things we did but he had a big secret that has come out a week after he passed and now all of the pieces are coming together.
Let's talk about this psycho little girl in a elderly woman's body.
She is older than him and has a lot of mental issues. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's never been married and is bisexual. She lives a very freaky sex life and acts childish even though she's a senior citizen.
She has all her Facebook friends fooled. 
She has passed herself off as a RN for years, however she failed the test four times and was only eligible as a LVN.(Licenced Vocational NUT)
Hey - Beverly Hills Fired and Banned from the Medical Profession and Equinox Fanatic - Bobby and I are REALLY GREAT FRIENDS now and he wanted me to ask you if you remember CHAOS? and to tell you that they are watching....
We see eachother freuently, talk on the phone and he has told me and given me all the evidence to put you away for LIFE. It's just a matter of time. Enjoy your freedom because it is coming to an end.. What you tried to do to me 5 years ago, is now known to the FBI and the Police.
She stole prescription drugs and gave them to my late husband and was finally caught and banned from the medical industry for life. That was final in 2013, and she hasn't had a job since 2011. 
She was committed to a mental institution when she was 12 years old and has many mental issues. By the way, she still lives at home and she's in her 60's. 
In not just blaming her, my late husband wouldn't let her go. He kept her around for kinky sex only. She fantasizes that he loved her when he never did. 
She lives at the gym (Equinox) and those are the only friends she has. They just do not know the real person she is.
When you look at her Facebook page, all you see are her gym buddies as friends. 
Since my husband passed, she posts daily on her page about him and if he was still here, he would be thoroughly embarrassed. He never once took her out in public as she is not attractive at all. She meant nothing to him. By the way, all of the pictures she has posted she got off of the internet or his memorial page. There are no pictures of the two of them anywhere. There may be some but Facebook would ban them or she is too embarrassed to show them. I once found a video tape of them having sex before we were married. 
Remember, this person has no probelm having sex with a married man. Ladies, beware and do not inroduce her to your boyfriend or husband. 
She's had several abortions and used abortion as birth control but on her page you'll see tons of baby pictures and before you start feeling sorry for her, realize this woman is mentally unbalanced. She's a grown senior citizen and acts like a child. 
She has no skills except sex and she uses it to try and get love from men and women to no avail.
She went to his funeral and played the sympathy card with his family. He never introduced them to her and she has them fooled about her. They think she's an angel but that soon will be disclosed.
She is evil and destroyed our marriage. 
The last four months of my late husbands life we reconnected, saw each other and even talked about reconciliation. 
Knowing what I know now, I'm so happy that never happened. I'm sickened by the fact that he's gone but now that I'm finding out about this woman, it makes me angry and sick that he actually got sucked in by the devil himself by involving himself with her. 
She lives a free life today but soon, she will be locked up for the rest of her life and everyone will learn the truth about her.
She did have one boyfriend who broke up with her when he saw a video tape of her and a few other guys and one woman having an orgy, this was one of his best friends. 
Real ladies don't do things like that and she is a sick and lonely senior citizen who needs to be locked up for the rest of her days. 
My late husband paid with his life because I believe the guilt of what the two tried to do to me 5 years ago got to him but my mission now is to get her put away so she cannot do this to anyone else.
Luckily and by the grace of god I am still here and alive today to get justice for what she tried to do to me as I have all of the evidence to have her put away and it is already being acted on.
Enjoy your last days of freedom because it will be over soon. You know who you are...
Oh, by the way, she met him on an online dating site which tells you to be very careful of who you meet on there. This is no joke and there are many crazy people out there on those sites and I've seen her on plenty of fish to name one but she's also probably on a swinger site my guess would be. 
My late husband loved me and married me. He was a good man but had some flaws like all of us do. He apologized many times to me before he left this earth and we spent many nights on the phone crying and laughing about old times and he begged for forgiveness which I granted because even though he was not perfect, I have no regrets of divorcing him now that I know so much more. 
He was the love of my life and I'll always love him forever. I forgave him for me and for him. You see, when you hold on to hatred and anger and bitterness, it can eat you alive. I've been praying for help from God in learning how to forgive him and the minute I saw him after four years, I forgave him. All the anger and hatred and bitterness went away completely.  You see, God will give you what you need when you need it. Never before and never after and on that day, when I saw him, my prayers were answered. 
Forgive the people who wrong you because it's not worth the stress in your life but, protect yourself and fight for justice here on earth for people who deserve it. That's what I am doing and when she's locked up and can no longer hurt anyone else, I'll feel justice has been served and then the forgiveness will come because she's mentally messed up in the head.
Contact me for any additional information.
Xoxo, Linda
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Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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