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New Talented Poetic EDM/Hip Hop & Rap Artist on the Music Scene! Recommended by Linda

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Hello Readers, Today I want to tell you about a new talented EDM/Hip Hop and Rap Artist only 19 years old called 'Frequency'. Recently I was turned on to his music by a close friend. 

To me a true artist is someone who writes and sings their own music no matter what music realm. I have nothing but respect for any artist that is that talented. In the new genre of EDM/Hip Hop mixed with Rap is CJ Kerns who goes by 'Frequency'. 

He comes from Arizona and was recently signed to Hood and Associates and has been labeled the new 'Eminem' in the business and once you hear his personal struggles and triumphs through his magical poetic rapping, you will be hooked. 

Frequency's first  debut double-album titled Fire And Lightning: The Lightning Side was just released in February 2016 featuring lyrics based on his early life experiences as a teenager growing up in a broken home. Frequency began rapping at the age of 9-years-old, free-styling at school and parties with his friends. In August of 2015, he was discovered by the label, Hood and Associates, after his sister,  Beautiful model Amber Kerns turned 'Ditch' from Hood and Associates on to his music.

He has recorded 35 songs, some of which will make his album released this month and some which will be saved for a future project. He briefly appeared on the stage at the NOS Events Center in San Bernadino during the 2015 XO Gold Cup, a new Cannabis Convention put on by Caviar Gold, and you will be seeing and hearing his music soon. He has also appeared at the House of Blues in Anaheim to a more than excited and pleased crowd. 

Below is a link to two of my favorite tracks. I urge to to check them out and spread the word of this bright, young talented rap artist. After all, you really have to be gifted to be able to create such great music. I really respect and admire someone so young that can express himself and his struggles growing up to try and help other people. I can relate to his music as you all know my struggles I have been through but I can only write not sing.... This is what is important in life, taking what you've learned and helping other people whether it be through blogging or rapping, paying it forward is the ultimate reward! 

Introducing Frequency....

Check him out on the Hood and Associates Website here:


Check him out on Facebook - search  'Frequency Music'

XOXO, Linda

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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