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Poor Shari.. A POF Online Dating Story

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about this woman whom I've never met "Shari". She's on POF and I believe she has no idea that my X is calling her out in his profile. Did he say anything bad? Nope, but he did mention her name and how excited he was to meet her. Is that appropriate? I think not. It shows kind of a sick and twisted way of thinking. Why would you name the person in your profile yet still show visible and be "online now" almost 24/7?
If Shari is the one, take your profile down and show her some respect! Well, obviously Shari has no idea what's going on. She's either clueless that he's still actively looking for "greener grass" or she didn't meet his qualifications, or he didn't take her out on a proper date and wanted to have sex with her right away and hopefully she saw right through him. Oh yes, he took her name off but I think that was just inconsiderate. What is he REALLY trying to achieve by doing that? Well, I have one guess and it's probably for me to see which I did and only thing I have to say is I hope someone who knows Shari will tell her about my site so that she can see what she either avoided or in the midst of getting into.
And what's wrong with me by writing all about him? Well, my intention is to warn women of men like him. They are liars, manipulators and they tell you exactly what they want to hear.
Cheaters never change no matter how much you write it in your profile, it doesn't change who you are. I can write down in my profile that I look exactly like Pamela Anderson but it simply is Not true no matter how many times I write it. I can also say I'm a perfect 10 and I have no baggage and my life is perfect but in reality, no one is perfect and we all have baggage.
The sad part is their are no guarantees with Onlin Dating. You have to take a chance and roll the dice if you really want to find someone. Me? I am actively dating but I am very picky in fact I received an email from a man that sounded just like my X that I blocked him. I could see right through him.
Has my experience made me a better stronger person? YES it has.
I know what I am looking for and I won't settle again. My life was bad for a good 10 years and until I finally asked for the divorce and got out did I see the light.
My life is awesome now and I get to live my life with dignity. When I was with my X, he humiliated me over and over again and now I can hold my head high because I know now that I am worth more than he ever gave me credit for. Life is good, and I'll continue on the road of online dating but I will not ever let a man define me. I choose to find a man to enhance my life not make it difficult. 
I wrote a book about Online Dating it's called "the top 10 things people lie about on online dating sites and why". You should check it out, it's my #1 seller and people love it. I'll post the link below.
I would like to hear your thoughts, comments and concerns about this topic, please contact me at

Xoxo, Linda



Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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