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I Emailed All The Other Women. Yes I Did!

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“Global email”

The next day after the confrontation with him I got together with my BFF and we decided we should let all the women know what he was doing to all of them so we sent out a global email to all the ladies he was cheating on. We were so surprised at the response we got back. Most of the women knew he was seeing other women! All of them were older than him which was about 10 years my senior. They were all in love with him and didn’t care about the other women as long as they got their time with him. HUH? This was totally unacceptable to me because obviously he let them know up front what he was doing but for me he didn’t say a word. I guess I was his trophy girlfriend.
One lady in particular actually wanted to talk on the phone with me so I let her call me. We had quite the discussion. Seems she just pleasured him but didn’t get much satisfaction herself and she was OK with that. She was totally shocked to learn some of the things I told her that we did. You have to know that my heart was breaking. I was so upset I couldn’t eat or sleep. She seemed to be very upset knowing he had a pretty girlfriend as he told her he didn’t have a girlfriend. I was perplexed to say the least until she sent me her picture… Then I understood a little she was the complete opposite of me a brunette and not an attractive one either! Turns out she was the one who was at his apartment that Saturday when he cancelled on me I mean this woman spilled the beans with me. She wanted to meet in person and I said no I didn’t want to discuss this whole thing with her she was a different breed then myself for sure.
We continued to go back and forth and then she turned the tables on me and tried to talk me into NOT getting back together with him. He was already emailing me and begging for forgiveness and she didn’t like that and the fact she told on him he was furious with her and had sent her some not so nice emails. It was clear he wanted me but he also wanted his cake and eat it too. Speaking of cake, I made this man his favorite cake every week before I would travel for work so he could think of me. I was so stupid wasting my precious time after finding out what he did to me but I never stopped. Probably up to the week before we separated I was always cooking for him his favorite meals. I was so in love with this man it was SICK.
Another girl emailed back as well she asked me if I had seen her expensive watch. She had spent the night with him and left her watch and when she asked about it he blamed it on the maid and said he couldn’t find it. I never saw a women’s watch but what a total jerk not to give it back to her. She said to me “well I guess that’s what I get for spending the night with a guy I hardly knew”. She was right.
Lessons learned:
1. Be careful of the guy who uses women for sex and has multiple sex partners this is so unsafe and irresponsible in today’s world.
2. Once a cheater always a cheater is a true fact.
3. Don’t kiss and tell.
4. Don’t take the guy back there are plenty other good and faithful men out there to choose from.
5. Listen to your BFF.
6. Looks can be deceiving.

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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