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Shersheart from POF Ruined My Marriage - An Online Dating Story

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Hello Readers, Linda here. Today I want to talk about the 'Other Woman' in my relationship turned marriage turned conspiracy to commit murder.
By the way, she is also on a nude online dating site under the same username called
It all starts in 2002 when I met my now deceased husband on We had a loving yet roller coaster type of relationship before we got married that lasted five years before we got married.
My X husband was super handsome, an X NFL Football Player and intelligent and funny guy. We fell for each other instantly.
Turns out, when we first started our relationship, he had many women in his life too that I found out about later and after he begged me for forgiveness I always let him back in. Most of the women went away when he told them he was in a relationship with me EXCEPT one! Sheryl Smalley from Beverly Hills Ca. She is one of those women you never want to introduce your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, lover or friend to because once she gets her nasty, disgusting hands on them she becomes obsessed.
This is what happened to my husband. You see, this woman is a s***, whore, bi-sexual person who has NEVER been married and spent most of her life living at home with her parents. She had a boyfriend on and off and lived with him briefly but other then that she's lived with Mommy and Daddy her entire life and she is 62 years old.
She seduced my boyfriend/husband and sent him nasty pictures that you would find on a porn site constantly. She would not stop calling and carried on with my X until I could not take it any longer and asked for a divorce.
After my husband and I separated, my husband and her tried to hire someone to kill me. Luckily, the man she tried to hire wanted no part of it and ended up telling me all the details a week after my X passed away. HE has all of the recordings, emails and text messages when they together kept calling, emailing and texting about my death. He kept these for his own protection and he wanted no part of it.
She's blasted me on FB and told lies that I threatened her with bodily harm in order to get sympathy from her clueless followers that do not know just what kind of person she is.
Again, her name is Sheryl Smalley from Beverly Hills and you can find her on FaceBook. Do not let her around your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife or even lover. She is mentally unstable and uses kinky sex in order to gain attention.
She ruined our marriage and will go to any lengths even murder for hire in order to get what she wants. She is the reason my X commited suicide and the truth will come out very soon.
I call this an Online Dating Story and it is because this is where it all started. One more thing, she is on Plenty of Fish as "Shersheart".... Watch out for this dangerous woman....
Any questions or comments, please contact me at


Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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