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Sunny from Plenty of Fish - Ladies Beware - True Online Dating Story

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Hello Readers, Linda here on this beautiful 'Sunny' day. Today I would like to warn the ladies out there about a "Wicked Soul" named Steve who also goes by the aliases, 'Steven, Steve, Sunny or Brady. 

A follower wrote to me to tell me about her experience. By the way, 'Sunny' has already been reported on my website on the home page by someone else. Look up ANewLife817 on the home page

This is her story:

Recently, he friend requested me on Facebook. I accepted cautiously because I already knew him from POF however; I never met with him because my gut feeling told me something wasn't right. That was about 3 years ago. (Linda's Tip) Always trust your gut instinct no matter what, it is never wrong. 

Back to her story- I didn't reply for over a week but then decided ok, I can always block him if he's a creeper. 
So then he starts messaging me from messenger daily asking me about what have I been up to lately. I told him about my newest pit bull and he replies awesome, I might be taking a 130 pound blue nose Pitt from a buddy. (Exact same breed as mine). So then, he asked if I had his cell number and I replied no, it's been awhile so I sent him mine. Now, the reason he wanted me to call him was because he has a girlfriend. This guy thinks he is good and knows how to play the game but thanks to, I have learned a lot and used her tools to do my homework. 

What was very suspicious was he's in a motorcycle club "Wicked Souls" and I asked him how long his club has been around and he said 2010. He asked me if I had spent time around club life before which of course I haven't.... he says it's fun because we got great family oriented hard working honest guys, just great human beings. Then I told him "reminds me of Sons of Anarchy" which aired in 2008. Hmmmm .... Wicked Souls is the name of his club started in 2010 which he is the President.  Then he sends me the link

If it won't open the first time, click the replay button he says. So, I decided to check it out and it was Exactly like Sons of Anarchy! 
Then I decided to follow Linda's advice and google his name + Wicked Souls and low and behold it brought me to on Google 'Bad Boy Report'. In there was very disturbing information about him. On this bad boy site, there was a post by baby doll. It was her account of what he did to her. He replied to her post and said it was his X girlfriend.  In his reply back he used her first and last name and where she works. This is what she said about him. You can look this up yourself as this is too long to write out.

1.  Cheated on his X wife 24 times
2.  He Kept a list vividly describing all of his sexual acts 
3.  Sunny was enraged baby doll found the actual list, that's why he defended himself after #4. 
4.  He cheated on baby doll weaving the most incredible stories while being emotionally, verbally and physically abusive if she got suspicious and questioned him. 

After reading all about him, I decided to write to so she could warn other people.  This guy lives in Vandenberg Village CA. 

Lessons learned:

1.  Always Google your Online date. If you see anything suspicious like the above, do not go out with that person.
2.  Always trust your gut instinct.
3.  What you see, hear and read is what you'll get. People rarely change. 
4.  Check them out on Facebook to see what their single status is. One big red flag was this guy and the person who wrote in about him to me were FB friends  and on his profile, you are not allowed to post anything on his page which means he's hiding something. 
5.  On his "About" he states he is in a relationship! Big RED FLAG!


Read all about this at

Any comments or questions, contact me at

Thank you baby doll for your voice on badboysreport for helping others! A true hero to other women! 


Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
  • Guest
    Amanda Sunday, 13 November 2016

    I am the one who reported Sunny/ Steve to this website. I heard from him shortly after. He did not understand why I did. He said it was unkind and malicious.He also included I have no idea what has happened to his life nor do I have any idea how he lives his life now. He is right about that. I don't know.My intent was to save him from himself and demons he may still be battling to this day. What people don' understand is sometimes we need a WAKE UP CALL and called out on our mistakes to save ourselves and to help us be better men and women. Also I would like to include he is a Christian.So am I and have always been.I try and help as much as I can ANYONE whom I possibly can.It took me close to death ended up in the hospital with a blood alcohol of .4. It wasn't until EVERYONE around me had to shut me out and allow me to have my spiritual awaking in order to help myself and become the woman I am today.Sunny was reported by me.I don't like to see people suffering and making wrong choices and unfortunately in order to have a wake up call and help ourselves it requires humility and a good hard look at ourselves. Sunny I hope you understand this and reporting you was to help you and to help you save yourself

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  • Linda
    Linda Sunday, 13 November 2016

    Thank you for your comment. Xoxo, Linda

  • Guest
    Amie Tuesday, 15 November 2016

    I just read all this - I don't know what your objective is here at digging up people's "said" pasts (that we all have I might add), but I would tread cautiously - Steve "Sunny" and I were in a serious and loving relationship, he and I openly shared our past experiences ;which he withheld no part of his past from me and nither did I. This "Amanda" has never even met him physically nor dated him. Her efforts here of "saving him from himself" should perhaps be used more productively on making sure she's got herself in good standing spiritual order as only God is the one who does any "fixing" we need. I will also say my father and family is heavily tied in with our government and what you are doing can easily be seen as defemation of character and be taken before a court of law. I would be careful who you accuse of anything.

  • Linda
    Linda Thursday, 17 November 2016

    Thank you for your comment Amie! Xoxo, Linda

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