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First Night Together. Cheap Hotel.

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 “Not So Top Gun”

I had to work that day it was a Saturday. I went out the night before to look for the perfect dress and nightie I was so excited I could hardly concentrate. My BFF is helping me with the details. So far all he has said is meet me at 8 in the Hotel Room and he sends me the link to the Hotel the night before. It was the same Hotel he took me to to ask me to be exclusive. I suppose he thought it was romantic frankly it was a very seedy Hotel might as well have been a Motel 6.
My BFF sends me with a care package of wine and glasses in a cute picnic basket. She was always so creative I really was so fortunate to have he as my BFF.
I got off work and rushed home to shower and get ready for my big night. I drove to the Hotel with my care package and checked in at the lobby with his Driver’s License that he through in my car a couple nights earlier. They give me the key and direct me where to go. I get to the room and it was on the bottom floor facing the street. NOT GOOD you see I traveled every week for work and I was used to being in really nice Hotels. This was totally unacceptable so I went to the lobby and demanded another room. They gave me a new room on the 8th floor that was better but still not very nice. I mean, he could have spent some money and got a suite at least but as I find out much later he was a real cheap A$$. I called him to let him know the new room number. Thinking about it now he probably stopped by the lobby to check and make sure he didn’t get charged anything extra for the new room.
I got dressed in my nightie and opened the wine I was nervous and needed the wine for courage meanwhile constantly on the phone with my BFF giving her the details.
He knocked at the door at 8. I answered the door we drank and had a wonderful time. I was in la la land for sure. In the morning we awoke and he didn’t even offer to buy breakfast he jumped in the shower and he was we were out the door. He walked me to my car and we said goodbye for now.
I was in love (or so I thought)
Lessons learned
1. Make sure the Hotel is suitable to your taste. It is a reflection of what’s to come if he skimps on the Hotel room and breakfast.
2. Listen to your BFF.
3. Get to know the guy really well before you commit to a sexual relationship.
4. If you drop a dead moose on the guy’s doorstep he won’t want it because the thrill of the chase is over.
5. Looks are deceiving.

Hello I am a blogger and and an author. I speak from my experiences only as I am not a doctor. I do consider myself an expert when it comes to relationship advice only because of what I have been through in my life experiences with Men and Dating and Marriages.
I hope you enjoy my blogs and more than that I hope they can help you or someone else!
xoxo, Linda
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